Carnival Games
Add carnival games to any event (available as an add on only).
Connect 4 $125
The ultimate game of strategy and skill magnified to larger than life proportions. Players of all ages connect their way to victory.

Wiggle Riders $150
Set of 8
The innovative ride on time that is for all ages. You wiggle and twist your way around with ease.

Giant Blocks $150
Giant play blocks can be used both indoors and outdoors, providing endless opportunities for play in various settings. These blocks are often made of lightweight materials.
Giant KerPlunk $175
A larger-than-life version of the classic tabletop game KerPlunk. Players take turns carefully removing sticks from a large, vertically positioned tube, trying not to let too many balls fall through the gaps. The player with the fewest balls wins.​
Hockey Shot $100
A fun and interactive activity that provides players with the opportunity to test their accuracy and aim by shooting a puck or ball into various targets resembling hockey goals.
Bullseye $100
The Bulls Eye Carnival Game is a classic game. It's a game of precision and skill where players attempt to hit a target at the bullseye using Velcro balls.

Lasso the Bull $75
"Lasso the Bull" is an engaging carnival game that combines skill and precision with a touch of Wild West flair. In this game, participants attempt to throw a lasso or rope around a bull's head or horns.
Boppi Horse $100
Set of 8
The Boppi Horse, also known as a bouncing animal hopper, is a delightful and entertaining toy designed for children to engage in active play while improving balance and coordination.
Block Island $75
Stack the 5 dice in a pyramid shape on the wooden platform, gently pull back on the ball and freely drop the ball to try and knock off all of the dice. Prizes are determined by the number of dots on the face-up side of the dice after they have all fallen.
Mini Hoops $75
This basketball challenge is a mini version but takes skill to master!

Spin Art $150
50 Sheets
Place a blank sheet onto the spinning platform, select desired paint colors, and watch the magic happen. As the paper spins, the paint splatters and spreads across the surface, creating vibrant and dynamic patterns.
Feed the Frog $75
This is a fun toss game where you have to aim just right to feed the frog giant bugs!
Gorilla Gulp $75
This is a fun toss game where you have to aim just right to feed the gorilla some bananas.
Chicken Chuck $75
This is a fun toss game where you have to aim just right to chuck the chicken into the cooks pot.
T.P. Toss $75
This is a fun toss game where you have to aim just right to put the toilet paper into the toilet bowl.
Mini Golf Putt Putt $100
This is a putter's paradise. You have 3 shots to get a hole in 1!

Tic Tac Toe $100
One player tossing their bean bag onto the board to claim a square. Players then take turns tossing their bean bags, aiming to land them in empty squares on the board. The goal is to create a row of three of your own bean bags while blocking your opponent from doing the same.
Crazy Dots $100
Test your skills and take aim with Crazy Dots. Only certain colored dots are marked to win! Throw the ball into the box and see where it lands. Land on the color and you win! 3 balls included, no table required.
Ring Toss $100
Ring Toss is a classic carnival game that challenges players to toss rings onto a target to win.
Zap the Zombie $100
Zap the Zombies uses a crossbow / nerf gun to propel Velcro darts at the targets.
Furious Fowl $100
Furious Fowl is a hilarious bird-themed giant carnival game. Kids love to take aim and STOMP on the foot pedal to fling their bird up in the air. This is a challenging game!
Over Under Table $75
Players roll six balls down the board to land in specific lanes. Players then add up the total number of balls that landed in the slots. If the total is under 11, the player wins. If the total is over 30, the player also wins.

Jenga $75
Players take turns removing one block at a time from any level of the tower, except for the topmost completed level. They must use only one hand to remove the block and may not touch other blocks to stabilize the tower. Players can tap or nudge blocks to test their stability before committing to removing them. The goal is to not knock the tower over.
Robin Hood $100
Our Apple Shot giant carnival game game is perfect for any event. Players compete with the included toy bow and arrow to see who can hit the apple in this delightful game.
Turtle Rescue $100
The Turtle Rescue giant carnival game where children toss adorable stuffed baby turtles into the basket of the Rescue Turtle, saving them from the man-eating shark.

Gone Fishing $150
Gone Fishin' appeals to young and old as they try to catch the Puffer Fish resting in the canvas. Each fish has metal in its nose and the magnet on the end of the pole picks the fish up fast.
Knight Guardian $100
Knight Guardian is a fun take on the classic, dark super-hero. Players toss the included "batarangs'' at the villainous targets, and are awarded points accordingly.

Angry Owls $100
This toss game is to get 3 in a row. Test your throwing skills and see if you can win!

Zombie Hunt $100
This toss game is to beat the zombies. The goal is to get 100 points!
First to 50 $100
This toss game is to see who can get the first to 50 to win!
Strike Zone $100
​This toss game is to see if you have what it takes to strike a player out!

Soccer Kick $100
This kick game is to see if you can get the ball past your opponents.
Golf Challenge $100
This Velcro-receptive green wall helps golf balls stay right where you hit them. For pros or novices alike, this game can quickly become addictive. See if you can get a hole in one!

Skee Ball $175
Players stand at a designated starting point at the top of the ski slope and are given a set number of balls to roll down the slope. They must aim their throws carefully to land the balls in the scoring targets, taking into account factors such as speed, angle, and trajectory.
Throne Chair $150
2 Available
This inflatable throne chair is huge! It can fit an adult and a child. Let this be a picture highlight for the little prince or princess of your party.